About Our PTO

The Parent Teacher Organization, or PTO, is a group of parents and teachers that work together throughout the school year to raise funds and sponsor fun events for the students to partake in. Some of the events and activities are held in order to raise money, while others are strictly planned for the kids, parents, and teachers to have some fun. The monies that are raised through the fund raisers are used throughout the year wherever a need may arise.

Whether it’s pencils or paper products for classrooms, T-shirts or bus fees for a field trip, or new kits for the STEAM class, our children benefit directly from this great organization. Did you know that more than 85 research studies conducted over the past 30 years prove that kids do better when parents are involved? Grades are higher. Test scores improve. Attendance increases. There is no better reason to get involved than that! Take a look below at some of the events and fundraisers that are sponsored by the PTO and consider getting involved. Any amount of help is appreciated. Whether it’s an idea or input or it’s volunteering for a day of work on one of the events, YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!

What We Do

We are busy during the school year raising funds for school projects and activities. We are always looking for new ideas. Currently, we sponsor many fun activities, such as:

  • Santa’s Workshop
  • Books for Bingo
  • Book Fairs
  • Family Fun Nights
  • Many more to come!

Who is Part of the PTO?

The board this year is made up of Jacquie Dusenberry as the President, Karen Eshbach as the Vice President, Nikki Slattery as the Treasurer, and Jacki DePanfilis as the Secretary. We are always looking for more volunteers. Please consider joining and helping where and when you are able.

Get Connected

Check out our  FSG PTO Facebook page for more information!

Please contact the school at  (814) 776-2176 or Jacquie Dusenberry at 415-828-1204 if you are interested in being part of this awesome group. Stay tuned for more info!